Project close out adalah tahapan akhir yang penting dalam sebuah proyek, namun terkadang sering diabaikan bahkan berpotensi membawa kredibilitas proyek yang kurang baik jika tidak di manage dengan baik.
Perhatian yang baik terhadap proses ini mampu menciptakan manfaat yang signifikan bagi tim proyek, perusahaan, prospek keberhasilan yang lebih baik untuk proyek-proyek masa depan, meningkatkan motivasi karyawan, hubungan pelanggan yang lebih baik, meningkatkan daya tarik untuk mengulangi kesuksesan proyek selanjutnya
Tahapan Project Close Out adalah :
1. Verify Scope
- Review all test data against the approved specification
- Identify & resolve any discrepancies
- Validate all supporting documents
- Verify all deliverables are available
- Assess client satisfaction
2. Closeout Contracts
- Ensure that all open issues are resolved with the client
- Return or destroy all client’s proprietary documents at the client’s direction
- Help the client conduct an audit of completed scope
- When the client is happy, receive final payments
3. Closeout Administration
- Return all personnel loaned to project
- Complete personnel performance evaluations
4. Conduct a Lessons Learned Review
- Conduct a survey
- Hold the lessons learned meeting
5. Build a Project History File
- Document planned & actual schedule duration and include data on past similar completed projects
- Document planned & actual labor costs and include past data
- Document all approved changes to PM plan
- Document all meetings minutes
- Document all problems
- Document subcontractor performance records
- Document client satisfaction records
- Document project reviews
6. Create the Final Project report
- Describe the overall success of the project
- Describe organization on the project
- Describe recommended changes for other similar projects
- Describe techniques used to get results
- Describe project strengths & weaknesses
- Describe project team recommendations
7. Celebrate Success
- Involve everyone on the project
- Gather outside the working environment
- Recognize outstanding performers
- Express appreciation to all project participants